Thursday, August 6, 2020

Medical Properties and Health Benefits of Pure Organic Honey

Organic honey sources from natural wilderness is difficult to find. It is rare to source such honey, but it comes with many health wonders. Jefsi believes in organic honey from natural source and source it from the Dimitris Novakidis Beekeeper family. The honey is sourced from the Macedonian mountains.

Pure and Organic Honey from Natural Source

The Echter Honig is organic honey which is pure, and it has many health benefits. All our honey products which are pure honey or enriched with other medicinal herbs are sourced from the Macedonian mountains. The rich flora of the mountains helps the bee to produce honey naturally.

·   The honey flavor depends on the flower that the bee graze on. During summer, it helps in producing thyme honey. The pine trees in summer give pine flavor and chestnut during winters.

·   The honey is harvested from the bee ethically without disturbing the ecosystem. The pine honey is the richest in terms of minerals.

·      The flavored honey is one of the best natural sweeteners. It can be used with different types of dishes and food items.

Different Organic Flavors of Honey

There are different types of flavors which have different medicinal properties. The BlütenThymian is one of the classic honey and harvested from herbs that blossoms during spring. We have flavors like chestnut honey which is made from sweet chestnut.

The thyme honey for example has many medicinal properties. This type of honey is also known to have healing power. The chestnut honey is known to improve blood circulation. There are many flavors which are even used as gourmet food consumption.

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